To further stretch the use of the Ex prompt for this, try CD_Plus.vim.

On 6/20/06, Nick Lo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks Matt,

I did have the feeling that I could bend Vim to my old ways, but this
revelation was more about realising that I wasn't using features that
make Vim different from other editors. I like the fact that it's now
simpler both in terms of visual clutter and use.

Also, after playing with the new tabs I found a bug where the 4
window split would disappear if I opened a few tabs and came back to
the 4 windowed one. This was in fact the point where I asked ...well
do I actually NEED the static file browser.



> Nick,
> The article is good and illustrates a good point. However, I would
> like
> to point out that what you were origionally trying to do is very
> possible.
> The simplest way (and there are probably others) is to make a simple
> mapping that does all the stuff you describe (jump to the correct
> window, jump back to the file explorer pane, and then hit "P"). You
> could bind something like Alt-p (<m-p>) to do all that. This way you
> would never have to worry about the file being opened in the wrong
> window, because it's your own logic that decides the target window.
> --Matt
> On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 11:17:20AM +1000, Nick Lo wrote:
>> After spending a frustrating evening that stretched into the night, I
>> had one of those moments of revelation that I have a feeling all Vim
>> users get now and again.
>> In this case it was breaking from my previous text editor way of
>> thinking to suddenly "get" the vim way of file browsing. Hardened Vim
>> users will not see it as anything new as it's really about the
>> using :Ex while editing rather than assigning specific windows the
>> role of file browser.
>> Anyway, since it really needed an image or two, I wrote it up here...
>> I hope that it will help others in the same boat.
>> Comments welcome,
>> Nick

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