Eddine wrote:

I'm using a vim script to make some data formating.
I source it from the original file I want to process and the script
produces me a new file.
I would like to add commands that whether emply the buffer list or
exit Vim once I'm done.
I tried to add




or even


at the end of my script, but I can't get the desired effect ?
Could you help me please ?
Thank you.


- Check out the difference between :bdelete and :bwipeout
- If a buffer is modified, :bdelete without ! will refuse to delete it.
- If there are one or more non-help windows other than the current one, ":q " will not close them (use ":qall" for that).

If the above doesn't help you, please tell us in more detail what is "the desired effect" and what is "the actual effect" that happens instead.

Best regards,

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