On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 at 7:29pm, Eric Arnold wrote:

> On 6/21/06, Hari Krishna Dara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Just wanted to add to the below that the problem is not just chaining
> > functions, but using the return value of the function itself. If the
> > function returns a dictionary (and probably a list), you can't use it to
> > access its members, so something like this will also fail:
> >
> > let t.T()['abc'] = 'xyz'
> >
> > However, using it in an expression works fine, e.g.,:
> >
> > return t.T()['abc']
> >
> > --
> > Thanks,
> > Hari
> >
> > On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 at 3:38pm, Hari Krishna Dara wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > I found a problem with chaining function calls through the new
> > > dictionary functions. Here is some code demonstrate the problem, if you
> > > execute this code, the last line generates an E488 error, where as the
> > > previous lines combines (they are equivalent) works fine.
> > >
> > > let tt = {}
> > > function! tt.TT()
> > >   echomsg 'This is TT'
> > > endfunction
> > >
> > > let t = {'tt': tt}
> > > function t.T()
> > >   return self.tt
> > > endfunction
> > >
> > > let tmptt = t.T()
> > > call tmptt.TT()
> > > call t.T().TT()
> > >
> > >
> From: Richard Emberson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: vim-dev@vim.org
> Date: May 18, 2006 4:42 PM
> Subject: vim patch: fixing resetting dictionary function
> Try this without the fix and you get:
> n=9
> Error detected while processing /home/emberson/vim/foo.vim:
> line   14:
> E475: Invalid argument: 1
> n=9
> Note that "1" is the index of the function in the dictionary.
> Try it with the fix you get:
> n=9
> n=20
> script:
> let x = {}
> function x.foo(a,b) dict
> echo "ADD"
>     return a:a + a:b
> endfunction
> let n = x.foo(4,5)
> echo "n=" . n
> function! x.foo(a,b) dict
> echo "MULTIPLY"
>     return a:a * a:b
> endfunction
> let n = x.foo(4,5)
> echo "n=" . n

Doesn't this seem like a different problem? Or did you already verify
that the same patch fixes this issue as well?


> *** eval.c      2006-06-15 11:05:16.000000000 -0700
> --- eval.c.original     2006-06-15 11:02:59.000000000 -0700
> ***************
> *** 18407,18435 ****
>                j = 3;
>            else
>                j = 0;
> -             /* The name can be an index into a dictionary. */
> -             /* There maybe a better way, this demonstrates a fix. */
> -             while (arg[j] != NUL && VIM_ISDIGIT(arg[j]))
> -                 ++j;
> -             if (arg[j] != NUL)
> -             {
> -                 if (*arg == K_SPECIAL)
> -                     j = 3;
> -                 else
> -                     j = 0;
> -                 while (arg[j] != NUL && (j == 0 ? eval_isnamec1(arg[j])
> -                                                       :
> -                 ++j;
> -                 if (arg[j] != NUL)
> -                     emsg_funcname(_(e_invarg2), arg);
> -             }
> - /*
>            while (arg[j] != NUL && (j == 0 ? eval_isnamec1(arg[j])
>                                                      : eval_isnamec(arg[j])))
>                ++j;
>            if (arg[j] != NUL)
>                emsg_funcname(_(e_invarg2), arg);
> - */
>        }
>      }
> --- 18407,18417 ----

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