Many thanks for all your attention. This was awesomely educational. I
had to delay the deletion of the file so that Stata would have it to
work on. In the end, I wound up with the following script:

fun! RunDoLines()
let selectedLines = getbufline('%', line("'<"), line("'>"))

if col("'>") < strlen(getline(line("'>")))
  let selectedLines[-1] = strpart(selectedLines[-1], 0, col("'>"))
if col("'<") != 1
  let selectedLines[0] = strpart(selectedLines[0], col("'<")-1)

let temp = tempname() . ".do"
call writefile(selectedLines, temp)

exec "!start C:\\Program Files\\Scripts\\rundo.exe " . temp

" Delete the temp file after Vim closes
au VimLeave * exe "!del -y" temp


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