I am seeing a couple of issues with debug mode.
- In debug mode, the getcmdtype() is supposed to return '>', but it
  returns empty string. This is not a big issue, in case it works as
  expected in all other modes, as I can treat '' equivalent to '>', but
  will be nice if it is fixed.
- If I have :cabbr with <expr>, using that abbreviation in command mode
  results in Vim stopping inside the function.

This is actually a more generic issue with the expression register
itself. E.g, say you have a function like this:

function! T(str)
    return a:str

When you go into the debug mode (just type ":debug blah", to enter, "blah"
doesn't need to be anything valid), if you invoke function T() using
expression register, typed like this:


then you would find that Vim stops inside T():

line 1: return a:str

When a function is called normally like this:

>echo T('abc')

this doesn't happen, so I think the debugger is treating the code
executed through expression as if it in the current debug context, or
something like that.


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