On 7/5/06, Jürgen Krämer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To work around the problem in this example is not that hard -- I can use
/\%...v instead.

The example in my original mail poses a bigger problem
(to me) -- I'd like to switch to "encoding=utf-8" as default, but I
often need to work with text files of fixed line length. With encoding
set to "latin1" the difference between column number and virtual column
number in the status line is a visual clue that there is a tabular or a
control code in the line, reminding me to look for this character. With
UTF-8 encoding this hint would be rendered useless because of all those
little umlauts in German. :-(

There's yet another reason for col()!=virtcol().

It's unprintable characters like ^A ^@ ^[
Granted, they occur rarely in textfiles, but if they do,
they'll cause virtcol() != col().

If you stick with virtcol() and \%v, you'll
probably not feel any inconvenience. I mean, there are two types
of columns (virtual and non-virtual), and if someone
confuses the two, and uses %\c instead of %\v or col() instead of
virtcol(), or vice versa, it's inconvenient.

Once the confusion is fixed, and you use the right type
of column index, doesn't it solve the inconvenience ?
(except that there are still two types of columns, which
requires increased attention as to which one
to use in each case) ?


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