Hi all,

I have a problem when scripting vim with python which is not covered by the FAQ (http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/vimfaq2html3.pl), and would be grateful for help (or perhaps a redirect to a list more directly connected to vim scripting ?)

I am using vim 7.0, and python 2.4.2

I have vim (or gvim) running with a python script in the current buffer and try to parse it. When parse errors occur I would like to move to the line with the error, and then ask the user what to do about it (or maybe just explain what the error is if I ain't no clue what to do).

So, bypassing a few key-redirects, and extra scripting what happens is 

:py pim.parseBuffer()<CR>

Which calls the parseBuffer() method within 
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pim.py, and that looks like:

def normal(command):
        vim.command('normal %s' % command)

def parseBuffer():
        source = '\n'.join(vim.current.buffer)
                code = compile(source, 'file.py', 'exec')
        except SyntaxError, e:
                msg, (file,row,col,str) = e.args
                normal('%dG0%dl' % (row,col))
                line = vim.current.buffer[row - 1]
                if col > len(line) and missingColonPattern.match(line):
                        #x = vim.eval('confirm("Replace missing colon on line 
%d","&Yes\n&No\n&Cancel")' % (row))
                        #x = vim.eval('input("Add missing colon on line %d [Y] 
?")' % row)
                        #if x and (x.lower() == 'y' or x.strip() == ''):
                                #print >> sys.stderr, 'Answer: %s\n\n\n\n' % x

ie: compile the contents of current buffer, if there is an error, find row/col, go to that row, then if the error is a missing colon, ask whether it should be added.

The problem I have is that "vim.command('s/$/:/c') is the only version which actually looks correct. With the other two versions (using confirm and input) the question appears first, and *after* it has been answered the cursor moves to the correct line.

The code above uses "'%dG0%dl' % (row,col)" to move to the required line. I have also tried ''':%d^M''' % row, and vim.current.window.cursor = (row,col), but the effect is the same.

I have also seen the same effect with output, for example
        normal('%dG0%dl' % (row,col))
        # other stuff
        print "hello world"
        normal('%dG0%dl' % (row,col))
        # other stuff
        print >> sys.stderr, "hello world"
it can be seen that the (error) message is printed first, and later the cursor 

Any suggestions as to where I might be going wrong, and how I can get the 
instructions to appear back in the right order ?


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