On 7/9/06, Matthias-Christian Ott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yakov Lerner wrote:
> This is wrong.
> You want "\n", not '\n'.
Ok, but the problem still exists.

vnoremap <silent> <C-W> :call FormatDeclarationSelection ()<CR>

function FormatDeclarationSelection ()
        execute ":silent! normal gvs"
        let lines = split (@", '\n')

The problem has nothing to do with split().

The selection is multi-line. This the mappnig
implicitly invokes the function N times, once for every
selected line.

The solution is to add keyword "range" to the function header line:

        function FormatDeclarationSelection () range

This makes the mapping to invoke the funcion once, not
once-per-line. See :help function-range-example


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