[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 2006.07.20 09:10:43:

> What is the easiest way to edit a file that is in the same directory as
> the current file? E.g. I open a file like this: vim /x/y/z/w/file1.c and
> want to now open /x/y/z/w/file2.c? Occasionally want to open files in
> the parent directory of current file's directory. It would be nice if
> there is a special character like "," which starts from the current
> buffer's directory. So ":e ,/file2.c" would work. Or maybe "~~" double
> tilda character if "," doesn't work...
> Thanks, Malahal.

you have many way:

1. open a file explore does this, use :Explore
2. creat a map to change to current directory, then just :e <tab>

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

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