nmap <silent><PageDown> :exe "norm ".winheight(0)."j"<cr>
nmap <silent><PageUp>   :exe "norm ".winheight(0)."k"<cr>
nmap <silent><c-home>   :let x=col('.')<bar>1<bar>exe "norm ".x."<bar>"<cr>
nmap <silent><c-end>    :let x=col('.')<bar>$<bar>exe "norm ".x."<bar>"<cr>

This works great.

I'm trying to map them also to visaul-mode but then I get the error:
"no range allowed"
Why is that?

I have:

vmap <silent><c-s-PageDown> :exe "norm ".winheight(0)."j"<cr>
vmap <silent><c-s-PageUp>   :exe "norm ".winheight(0)."k"<cr>
vmap <silent><c-s-home> :let x=col('.')<bar>1<bar>exe "norm ".x."<bar>"<cr> vmap <silent><c-s-end> :let x=col('.')<bar>$<bar>exe "norm ".x."<bar>"<cr>


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