On 8/3/06, Noah Spurrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is it possible to Yank Append directly to the unnamed register?
That is, without affecting any of the other named registers.
I know that the unnamed register also holds the same text
as was last yanked to a named register, but I wanted to
Yank Append without affecting any of those.

Yes, it must be possible using example of code
like that described in :help g@
Here is skeleton (untested and unfinished):

:nmap <silent> <f5>  :set opfunc=AppendUnnamedReg<cr>g@
:vmap <silent> <f5>  :<C-U>call AppendUnnamedReg(visualmode(), 1)<CR>

function! AppendUnnamedReg(type,...)
   let old=@"     " old contents of unnamed register

   ... code to yank the selection depending on the mode ...
   ... into unnamed register ...

   let @" = old . @"    " append to unnamed register


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