I'm using Vim on a single Windows workstation to edit multiple files
hosted on remote Windows servers.  Here's my usual use case:

1. Map a drive to server foo by entering the following into the run
    * \\foo.domain.com\c$\somedir
2. After an Explorer window opens to that directory, I right-click on
   the file that I want to edit and choose to open it in Vim.

When I open the file in Windows and press "Ctrl+g", it displays the
following path:

* \\foo.domain.com\c$\some_proj\some_file.xml

This works pretty well, but I would really like to be able to do the
same thing using the Project plugin to save time when I need to view or
edit multiple files across multiple servers.  The problem is that I
can't get this to work.  Here's what I've tried:

    some_proj="$HOME/some_proj" CD=. {
     server_foo {
      file://foo.domain.com/c$/some_proj/some_file.xml  # Ex 1
      \\foo.domain.com\c$\some_proj\some_file.xml       # Ex 2

Neither of the paths in that example work.  Has anyone else found a way
to do this?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Tom Purl

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