From: Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: half of hlsearch
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 05:37:38 -0500

Hi Tim,

 that raises a question I am often feeling to ask:

 If one is learning vim he first uses the help function by
 common "keywords" like "searching" and command sequences,
 from which s/he wants to know, what they do.

 If one needs to know the command sequences to be able to find
 the information s/he needs to know the command sequences or
 needs help to use help, then.....Huston, we have a problem !

 ye and yE may help in searching a certain piece of context.

 I was searchin for a global solution to switch off hlsearch in
 "non direct search" actions.

 As for the simple using of backspace (my previous question) in normal
 mode this ends up in writing complicated scripts, which even fail to
 work in certain situations (NO critism against those, who postes
 answers to my questions!!!)

 At certain points vim is shooting canonballs against flies...and even
 fail to hit the mark sometimes.

 Kind regards,


> > How can I find help for ye/ye ?
> > 
> > :help ye
> > or
> > :help yE
> > 
> > gives me help for the year-2000 compliance which is not 
> > directly what I wanted ...
> That's kinda funny that it drops you in y2k information.
> The trick to searching for them (and for that matter, grokking 
> vi/vim) is to understand that what you're asking about ("ye" or 
> "yE") is a command ("y"ank) followed by a motion ("e" or "E"). 
> Thus, you learn about yanking at
>       :help y
> and you learn about the e/E motions at
>       :help e
>       :help E
> Much of vi/vim's editing power comes from learning N commands 
> (y/d/c) and M of motions ("/", h/j/k/l, t/T/f/F, various text 
> objects, etc) and suddenly you have a N*M ways to edit, rather 
> than N+M as one might have in other editors.  You learn an 
> additional command, and usually all the motions that make sense 
> with it already work as you'd expect.  You learn another motion 
> (perhaps you're not familiar with the list given above?  check 
> 'em out in the help and you can increase your editing power) and 
> you can suddenly move much faster and do things in a single 
> pass/command+motion.
> Add to that the power of the "count", so you can do things like
>       y3e
> which will yank from the current cursor position to the 3rd word 
> "e"nd.
>       :help operator
>       :help motion.txt
> -tim

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