On Fri 11-Aug-06 6:55pm -0600, Mark Woodward wrote:

>> This command was posted by Piet Delport a few years ago.  I use it
>> all the time.
>> command DiffOrig vert new | set bt=nofile | r # | 0d_ | diffthis |
>> wincmd p | diffthis
>> Gary
> I can see why you use this all the time. BRILLIANT!
> It should certainly be a tip on vim.org if it isn't already!!
> I just threw this in my .vimrc and I'll too be using it all the time.
> (I used :command! though (note the !))

I've been using a form of this, enhancing it over time.
Here is my current version:

" This command was posted by Piet Delport a few years ago.
" com DiffOrig vert new | se bt=nofile | r # | 0d_ | difft | winc p | difft
" DT is a form of "diffthis" to compare the file being
" edited with the file on disk.  It is an enhanced version
" of Piet's DiffOrig.  DO turns off diff mode.
" What has been added to Piet's original is changing the font
" to something more appropriate for diff-ing, and saving all
" settings changed my the process.  Note that, when invoked,
" all other windows are first closed and the new widow comes
" up on the right (what's on disk) as a [Scratch] file.
" Also DO is a form of "diffoff" which restores things
" changed by DT and removes temp variables.  Note that this
" does a bwipe of the scratch buffer and, because it uses
"diffoff", it only works for Version 7+.  It doesn't matter
" whether you are in the editing or scratch buffer when you
" invoke DO.
" Change the guifont, if applicable, to something that fits
" your screen.  If you use colorschemes, you may what a
" different one for diff-ing.
" Bill McCarthy 11-Aug-2006

com! DT sil on! | let oft = &ft | vert bel new
    \| exec 'setl bt=nofile ft=' . oft   | let obnr = bufnr("%")
    \| let oscb = &scb | let osbo = &sbo | let owrap = &wrap
    \| let ofdm = &fdm | let ofdc = &fdc
    \| let oco = &co   | let olines = &lines
    \| if has("gui") | let ogfn = &gfn | se gfn=andale_mono:h8 | en
    \| se co=999 lines=99
    \| sil r # | sil 0d_ | difft | winc p | difft | winc =

com! DO diffo | sil exec 'bw! ' . obnr
    \| let &scb = oscb | let &sbo = osbo | let &wrap = owrap
    \| let &fdm = ofdm | let &fdc = ofdc
    \| if has("gui")   | let &gfn = ogfn | unlet ogfn | en
    \| let &co = oco   | let &lines = olines
    \| unl oscb osbo owrap ofdm ofdc oco olines oft obnr

Best regards,

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