On 8/15/06, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

>On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 at 9:43am, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
>>4mir Salihefendic wrote:
>>>Is there a neat way to source vim files in a directory?
>>>Currently I use following solution that relies on "ls" - it's not
>>>feasible on other than Unix systems.
>>First, you could use glob() instead of system()+ls.
>>Another idea: you could temporarily change the runtimepath
>>and use :runtime (not tested):
>>  let keep_rtp= &rtp
>>  let &rtp= "PathToADirectory"
>>  runtime
>>  let &rtp= keep_rtp
>Shouldn't it be more like ":runtime *.vim"?

It must be ':runtime! *.vim' actually, *with* the exclamation mark, the bang,
the !. The bang is needed when you want to source all mathcing files.
Without bang, only one matching file gets sourced.


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