Gary Johnson wrote:

On 2006-08-18, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Read   :help netrw-starstarpat  :

 :Explore **//class foo

for example. You'll be presented with an netrw browser display in each subdirectory with matching files and the cursor on the first file that matches. Use shift-up and shift-down to move the cursor to previous or subsequent files with matches. Hit the <cr> when your
cursor is on an "interesting" file to select and edit it.

I've never used the netrw's :Explore command before, but seeing this, I read the help sections on pattern-searching and tried the example from *netrw-starstar*. It doesn't seem to work. I'm using Vim-7.0 and netrw v103 on SunOS 5.8.

   $ cd /home/garyjohn/src/SunOS/vim-7.0/vim70/src
   $ vim -N -u NONE
   :runtime plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
   :Explore **/*.c
   E77: Too many file names
Sigh -- I'm not sure what to do about this one.  Turns out that:

 com! ... -complete=dir Explore ...

causes the E77 with "Too many file names". Simply removing the "-complete=dir"
from the command fixes things.

Chip Campbell

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