Yakov Lerner wrote:
I want to make saving of unnamed buffers possible as follows:
  When I do :w on a unnamed buffer, I want it to save to the
file /tmp/N where N is number.

I tried the simple code below, but it does not work. I am getting
'E32: No file name', same error as without this code.

How do I fix it ?

" ------------ attempt to save unnamed buffer to file /tmp/N -----
au BufWritePre if(expand('%') == '') | exe "filename ".TempName() | endif

function! TempName()
   let x=1
   while filereadable("/tmp/".x)
       let x = x + 1
   return "/tmp/".x

Instead of ":filename" which AFAIK is not a Vim command, try using ":file" or ":saveas" instead.

Best regards,

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