

This is my first posting to this list.  I have used ViM off and on for many 
years.  For the past year I have been using it exclusively to write Python 
programs for the Windows (2000/XP) and Linux (Fedora) platforms.  I am using 
version 6.3 with python/dyn enabled on Windows and 6.2 with Python enabled on 


Currently, when I want to run a script I am working on I have to open a 
separate command or interpreter window and do my work there.  I would like to 
be able to execute the open buffer from inside ViM, open a split window and 
have the Python interpreter start automatically and import the open buffer,  
and other IDE-like actions.  Does ViM offer this kind of support for Python?  I 
have read tantalizing bits on various web pages that indicate it might be so, 
but can find nothing that tells just what is supported and how to make it work. 


Can someone point me in the right direction?  Thank you in advance for your 








We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed


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