What I'm trying to do is create a plugin that acts based upon the contents of 
an arbitrary file buffer as soon after it has loaded its contents as possible.

For existing files, using a BufReadPost autocmd is fine.

For new file buffers that have text loaded into them via a BufNewFile autocmd, 
I can't just create a BufNewFile autocmd myself because I can't guarantee that 
mine will run last.

So, the obvious thing to do is use BufEnter and/or BufWinEnter.

However, I've got other plugins that will need the result of the new plugin and 
that want to use BufEnter and BufWinEnter themselves, which leads me back to 
the ordering problem.  I can't make sure that the plugin will run first.

It looks like FileType and Syntax events can occur between BufNewFile and BufWinEnter, 
but this only happens for files that a file type can be figured out for.  If I edit a 
non-existent file called "blah", there aren't any events between BufNewFile and 

Any suggestions?

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