Bruce Korb wrote:
Diwaker Gupta wrote:
And 'vim -u NONE' doesn't work for you?

alias vi='vim -u NONE'

OK.  That works.  Can't that be done with something a little more
obvious in ~/.vimrc ??  So, I'll burn that in my brain and not be
bothered anymore.  Thank you all.  Bruce

"Something a little more obvious in vimrc" will prevent neither setting 'nocompatible' (which Vim does as soon as it finds a .vimrc or _vimrc) nor running the global plugins. "vim -u NONE" is really what makes it look most like a "bare-bones" vi (sets 'compatible', doesn't read the vimrc, doesn't source any plugins, and, because of the program-name "vim", not "gvim", doesn't start the GUI even if enabled).

Side-effect: if you have a ~/.exrc (old-style vi startup script) it won't be read either.

Of course, this is still Vim: if you use any valid Vim commands unknown to vi, they will be executed, not give an error.

Best regards,

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