On 9/2/06, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mikolaj Machowski wrote:
> Dnia sobota, 2 września 2006 04:21, Gabriel B. napisał:
>> - Internal grep; works on all platforms, searches compressed files
>> now, this i feel like making the same rant as the spell check. Why? oh
> why?
>> think of the children!  > !grep
> Internal grep is godsend for people working on different architectures.
> No more guessing dialect of grep and supported regexp features.
> Also using all the time the same regular expressions is making life
> easier for script developers - point as above plus passing string to
> external program was always risky. All this quotes mess.

I agree, and I add: on some closed-source architectures sold worldwide
(I'm naming no names, but you can guess ;-) ), a grep program cannot
always be expected to be present. Now historically, ":helpgrep" was
added first, and that alone was already a godsend to users, on all
architectures especially where no external grep was present, because the
good quality end extensiveness of the Vim help generates a
needle-and-haystack problem at times: we know the info is there, but how
do we get at it? Once we had ":helpgrep", ":vimgrep" wasn't hard to
develop, and the fact that it uses Vim regular expressions and does not
require an external program which may or may not be present, makes it
indeed a godsend to users with large collections of files, be they Vim
scripts, shell scripts, source modules, HTML pages, whatever.

>> vim8 should be about interface and feedback.
> What about interface? Consistency and thesameness of interface on all
> platforms is what I like (and I think many people are sharing my
> sentiments). Sure, Vim could use more ncurses features like menus and
> dialogs but no serious overhaul can expected.
>> It's functional as it is today. But not easy yet.
> I don't suspect "easy" was goal for Vim ever. Effective, yes.
> m.

:-) If you want an "easy" text editor, use Notepad or kedit. But don't
expect power from them: TANSTAAFL.

But can't vim be both : easy and powerful ? I don't see giving kedit as
a counterexample be of a help.`
Instead, look at slickedit. It has most of the desired features listed so far,
and still is easy, and still is powerful.
The most annoying thing (IMHO) in vim7 is that the newly added
features are sluggish (omnicomplete, cursorline).

Best regards,

Regards, Groleo!

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