Hello everyone

Thank you very much for your help.

Unfortunately after playing more with the settings I was unable to
restore the same font as were before.

Is there possible to run the old executable & configuration as before
the 7 installation or do I have to upgrade/downgrade to return to the
old setup ?

Thanks again for the help

On 8/31/06, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Boris Dinkevich wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am using Mandrake 9.2 and have recently upgraded from Vim6 to 7.
> Unfortunately after the update, the look&feel changed, I was able to
> restore
> most of the settings but am unable to restore the font configuration.
> My font was similar (or the same) to "Monospace" font as appears in Konsole
> app.
> But I am unable to set gvim7 to use the same font.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated
> Thanks in advance,
> Boris Dinkevich

If your GUI flavour allows it, you may use

       :set guifont=*

to select your GUI font from a popup menu. If and when you find a font
that suits you, you can do (assuming 'nocompatible' is set)

       :set guifont=<Tab>

to see what was set, with escaping backslashes if and where necessary.
Copy it verbatim onto a piece of paper, and from there into your vimrc.
If your GUI flavour does _not_ allow ":set guifont=*", then you can
either recompile with a different GUI (more on that in another post of
mine in this thread), or "guess" how the font will be called. Now there
are 4 different, totally incompatible formats for the 'guifont' option,
and each gvim executable accepts only one of them. The following code
snippet (which can be placed in your vimrc) will select the right option
format for whatever it is you have installed:

  if has("gui_running")         " no need to set it if we ain't got it
    if has("gui_gtk2")          " GTK+2 only, not GTK+1
      set gfn=Monospace\ 12
    elseif has("gui_kde")       " kvim is obsolete, but there are still
                                " some old versions of it lying around
      set gfn=Monospace/12/-1/5/50/0/0/0/1/0
    elseif has("x11")           " all other X11 builds of gvim
      set gfn=*-monospace-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-m-*-*
    else                        " everything else, including Windows
                                " and non-X11 Mac builds
      set gfn=Monospace:h12

After running that, you can do

       :set guifont=<Tab>

to see what was set, and even edit the value on the command-line (then
hit Enter to accept the changes, Esc to cancel them); but if you want to
set, for instance, a different font face, you may have to shoot in the
dark. If and when you find what suits you, port your changes back into
the vimrc code snippet above.

Best regards,

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