On Thu, 7 Sep 2006, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

> To do something when closing down, place it in an autocommand for the VimLeave
> autocommand (as above). To do it during startup, place it in your vimrc. To do
> it at the cery end of startup, put it in an autocommand dor the VimEnter
> autocommand. And read the help (not the man page) if you can: for some reason
> my Vim won't read the help for me at this time.
I solved my problem, based on the code you provided: I put this in my
        :au VimLeave * if exists("run_from_tread") | exe "mksession! 
./session.vim" | endif
The variable run_from_tread is set at start, because vim is invoked with
-S Session.vim. The perl script changes directory to a directory dependent on
the text file to read. Hence, Session.vim is exclusive to that file. On
exit, the session is written to session.vim, and the parent script
concatenates ":let run_from_tread=1" with session.vim into Session.vim.

It works, and the normal behaviour of vim (regarding other files) is not
> If you want to always start with the same session files, use ":mksession" once
> (see ":help mksession") and maybe make an alias: "alias vim='vim -S
> ~/session.vim'" in your shell.



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