On 9/8/06, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yakov Lerner wrote:
> I have this question. Let's say my comp has no perl
> installed, no python, and no ruby. I invoke ./configure, on this comp,
> as follows:
>    ./configure ---enable-perlinterp --enable-pythoninterp
> --enable-rubyinterp
> What exactly will happen here :
>   1) configure will succeed and make will succeed and will
>       build vim with all interpreters disabled ?, or
>   2) configure will fail and/or build will fail ?
> Thanks
> Yakov

Even if everything is enabled, if configure doesn't find the relevant
"development" software it will disable the corresponding feature and
proceed. Compiling will succeed without the feature. For instance, I
have --enable-mzschemeinterp but no MzScheme installed: my Vim
executable ends up with "-mzscheme" in the ":version" listing...
... Configure will only fail if it cannot configure *any* Vim
executable with the software it can locate on your computer


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