
The biggest build size that exists now (the --with-features) is 'huge'.
This 'huge' still does not include interpreters.

What does public and Bram think about adding another build size
('extra-huge') that includes [all] interpreters ?
What is your feeback ?


Possible namings: 'all', 'jumbo', 'giant', 'everything', 'huge+interp',
                         'xxl', 'colossal', 'tremendous', 'gigantic',
                         'ohmygod', 'extra-huge'

My reasoning behind 'xxl' is this: current build sizes are {tiny,
small, normal, big, huge}.
'Big' is like  'large'. Thus 'huge' (next grade after big/large)
corresponds to 'xl'
(extra large). Then next grade after huge/xl is xxl. Then it is easy to
add xxxl, xxxxl, etc.

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