In your vim folder you probably have a filetype.vim which has a couple
of lines per file type to detect when an extension is opened or
created, and set the filetype automatically.


On 18/09/06, Andrea Spadaccini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am using tablatex.vim, ftplugin for LaTeX files, and I have a main
latex file and several included .tex files.

Well, vim loads the plugin (and the syntax file) when I'm editing the
main file, while it doesn't when I'm editing the included files.

How can I tell vim that I'm editing a .tex file? And how do I make vim
recognize .tex files without me setting the filetype?


[ Andrea Spadaccini - a.k.a. Lupino - from Catania - ICQ #: 91528290 ]
[ GPG ID: 5D41ABF0 - key on keyservers - Gentoo GNU / Linux - 2.6.17 ]
[ Linux Registered User 313388 - @: a.spadaccini(at) ]

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