On 9/27/06, Meino Christian Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 As VIM insists on getting Meta/Alt-keys as binary codes and not as a
 ESC-<key>-combination I tried first to revert the rest of my
 environment, which handles ESC-<key>-combinations well to what vim
 exspects. zsh and mrxvt have option to switch between both (would a
 solution for vim, too!). The Midnight Commander insists of getting

 So I reverted everything back to the previous state (using
 <ESC>-key-combinations) and inserted:

     let c='a'
     while c != 'z'
         exec "set <M-".toupper(c).">=\e".c
         exec "imap \e".c." <M-".toupper(c).">"
         let c = nr2char(1+char2nr(c))

 in the top of my ~/.vimrc.

 NOW F1 did the same as


Looks like F1-F4 conflict with <M-O>. Try to avoid using
<M-O>, and remove mapping <ESC>O (:iunmap <Esc>O).

This is quick workaround. There must be better solution
that allows to use F1-F4 together with <M-O> but it will take
time to figure. The problem is that F1-F4 generate
seauences that begin with <Esc>O


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