Moving to Vim 7 spelling (was using vimspell).  What's the
recommendation for editing source code -- Perl in my case?  Do most
people turn off spell checking for source code files?

IIRC, vimspell was reasonably good at detecting what files should be
spell checked.  What do most of you do for telling Vim what files to
spell check?

It would be great if the speller would know about comments and "pod"
blocks.  If not, can I spell check "visual" a block and then
spell check that block of text?

Any way to get mousemodel popup to work on non-GTK Vim?  I tend to
only use Vim in text mode, not GUI mode.

Finally, when spell check is enabled and syntax highlighting is also
enabled, there vim is highlighting some text in a way that the
foreground and background colors are the same -- so the text vanishes
from view.  Maybe the solution is to not have syntax and spell
highlighting enabled at the same time?

Bill Moseley

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