I am trying to set up gvim 7 on Linux to function the way emacs does
when you compile a program (M-x compile). That is, I would like:

- the window to split, creating a compilation buffer (like :copen / :cwin)
- vim to execute the compilation in a sub-process
- vim to not bother me with a hit-enter prompt
- vim to capture the output of the compilation so that it does not
interrupt my editing by spewing all over the screen (I can do this by
setting shellpipe but it still does a hit-enter prompt)
- vim to update the quickfix buffer as it receives each line from the
compile process output

I can get *close* to this behaviour using copen, setting the shellpipe
command and using the vim server and a custom script, similar to this


This solution is a bit messy and has problems. The main thing it lacks
is progressively updating the quickfix buffer as the compilation

I was wondering if there were any other people here who had (perhaps
more recently) tried making this work.

Also, if people are interested in making this work, I am prepared to
fiddle for hours to get it and discuss options on this list until it
does work. ;) Maybe even modify some vim source code.

I think my best bet at making this work just the way I want it is to
specify a shellpipe to pipe all output to my own script, set some
option to rid myself of the hit-enter prompt, in my own script fork
and return (so I can keep editing) but in the child process, eat up
stdin and write it to vim's make errorfile, periodically sending
commands to the vim server to refresh the quickfix buffer from disk.

I could probably manage that, except that
- I can't get rid of the hit-enter prompt (gah!)
- I don't understand (yet) the logic of reloading the quickfix
buffer. It seems to only reload after a :make. "autoread" doesn't seem
to work on it, for instance. Still playing with this.

Any hints or pointers would be welcome.

Greg McIntyre

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