Anthony Campbell wrote:
On 12 Oct 2006, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
Tom Purl wrote:
That's weird.  I use Gvim to edit web mail via the Mozex extension.  I
can place "this is a tset" at line one in my message after executing the
`set filetype=mail` command, and it will be spell-checked.  I don't have
to include any headers or empty lines or anything else like that.
Hm. Apparently you're right. By doing the following:

        :setl ft=mail
        :setl spell
        this is a tset

with a space at the end of the line, I get a blue curly underline under "this" and a red one under "tset".

Do you have spell checking on? Normally yes, but still... what is the reply to

        :verbose setlocal spell?

when you do it (with the question mark) in a window where the 'filetype' is set to "mail" but you don't see spell-check highlights? Unless you yourself set 'spell' on, e.g. by having "set spell" in your vimrc, Vim will by default do no spell-checking at all.

I'm sorry; I can't post to the list, although I can read it. (Feel free
to forward it.)

Just to say that I don't get spelling checked with html files either.


I. To post to the list, you must:

1. Subscribe to it. This is a two-step process, see

2. Send a message, in plain text only, to the list address (e.g., vim -at- vim -dot- org), "from" your subscribed address.

II. You didn't say whether 'spell' was set.

Best regards,

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