
 I did the following mappings:
     map <F12> <ESC>:tab e ~/.vimrc<CR><C-W>_
     map <S-F12> <ESC>:tab e ~/.zshrc<CR><C-W>_
 I start vim without any argument and press 

 . ${HOME}/.vimrc opens but does not create an entry in the tab pages
 line at the top of my Vim window -- so far so nice, since it is the 
 first file loaded and showtabline == 1.

 Then I press 


 . ${HOME}/.zshrc appears. This is the second file, but still no tab
 pages line appears.

 Then I do

    :tab h :tab

 and TADA! the tab pages line apears, showing "~/.zshrc" and



 I can switch to ${HOME}/.zshrc. Now the tab pages line shows
 "~/.zshrc" and "tabpages.txt".

 This is at least a little confusing (at least?) to me.
 What is the logic of showing/not showing a tab pages line entry ?

 Thank you very much in advance for any help !

 Keep hacking!



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