On Wed 18-Oct-06 9:20pm -0600, Peng Yu wrote:
> On 10/18/06, Bill McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> You're fairly close.  Assuming you visually marked those
>> lines, this solution is magic:
>>     '<,'>s/\%(}}\)\@<!\n
>> but this solution is very magic:
>>     '<,'>s/\v%(}})@<!\n
>> :h /\@<!
>> :h /\v

> Could you please explain what these commands mean?

Sure, let's use the first one:


(1) '<,'>s/pattern

    After you mark the text to be modified, hitting ":"
    gives you, on the command line, ":'<,'>".  So all you
    type is ":s/pattern" - the "'<,'>" is typed by Vim.

    This command deletes the first occurrence of "pattern"
    on each line in the range.

(2) Instead of "pattern" I used pat1\@<!pat2

    That finds a "pat2" that is not followed by a "pat1".

(3) For "pat1" I used '\%(}}\)'

    I don't want EOLs that follow "}}".  However, \@<!
    operates on the atom to its left so it would only
    operate on the second "}" - there for I've grouped it
    with a non-capturing \%(\).

(4) "pat2" is just the EOL which is "\n".

(5) Note that it is "pat2" that is found and replaced, not

Here's a much simpler one, but its done in two steps and
would add an EOL to any embedded "}}":


This is equivalent to type two commands:

(1) '<,'>j

    That joins all the lines in the range to just one line.

(2) s/}}/&\r/g

    That substitute command operates on the single resulting
    line of the join command command.  Every '}}' will be
    replaced by '}}\r'.  Where the '&' is replaced by the
    whole matched pattern and '\r' is an EOL (although '\n'
    is an EOL in a pattern).
Best regards,

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