On Thursday 19 October 2006 18:26, Akbar wrote:
> Hi, I use vim7 ( compiled from source )
> This is my situation:
> open bla.rb
> def bla              ( type def bla, enter )
>   print "bla"        ( type two spaces and print "bla", enter )
>   print "bli"         ( no need to type two spaces, sweet, type print
> "bli", enter )
>   end                 ( type end, enter )
> I want my vim do this: after I press enter ( after typing end ), the
> word end will indent to left automatically aligning with word def.
> How do I do that?
> Thank you.

I had the same issue when I compiled from source via a-a-p on my 
Slackware machine at work.

The thing is that at home I run OpenBSD and building from ports (this 
involves compiling too) returns other result (i.e. indention works like 
a charm).

It might be something that broke along from patch 42 (that I have on 
OpenBSD) through patch 135, or whichever is the latest one, that I have 
at work.

I really don't know, maybe a special configure flag (although I looked 
it up and found nothing). I hope someone can explain this...

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