Meino Christian Cramer wrote:

I wrote this snippet:

fun! Ffunchdr()
   let date = strftime( "%F" )
   put=' * desc'
   put=' *'
   put=' *'
   put=' *'
   put=' * Created: ' . date . '
   put=' *'
   put=' * parameter:
   put=' * parameter:
   put=' * parameter:
   put=' * parameter:
   put=' * parameter:
   put=' *'
   put=' * result 0 - Success, -1 - Failure'
   put=' *'
   put=' */'
command! Funchdr :call Ffunchdr()

This should give nme the header comment for function definitions in C.
My problem seems to be the "?desc" command at the end.
It /should/ move the cursor onto the "desc" keyword right in the
beginning of the comment block.

I suggest using the search() function:

call search("desc","bW")

Chip Campbell

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