victor NOAGBODJI wrote:
Hello all,

I'm quite a newbie to Vim. I've been using it under ubuntu dapper.
With moria color plugin, the font was nice, easy to read. I think
it's the default system font of ubuntu or something...

Now under windows xp. It's bold, hard to read. It's the default system
font. Now how can I change that to a nice clean, easy to read font?


Set the 'guifont' option. What to set it to will depend on which language you are using. For Latin alphabet on Windows I recommend Lucida_Console; however it has no Arabic glyphs and its Cyrillic glyphs are not 100% fixed-width so for Russian and Arabic I fall back on Courier_New, which is less elegant but quite readable and supports many non-Latin alphabetic languages. For CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) I use MingLiU but there are others.

For example, for Latin alphabet I might use

        :set guifont=Lucida_Console:h10:cDEFAULT

To see a fonts menu in gvim for Windows (and also in some but not all other flavours of gvim), use ":set guifont=*".

If you want to slightly adjust what is already set, you can use ":set guifont=<Tab>" where <Tab> means "hit the Tab key". This method can be used in 'nocompatible' mode with any non-boolean option. It will fill-in the current value on your command-line, with escaping slashes if needed, and you can edit it in-place, then accept the changes with <Enter> or discard the changes with <Esc>. Or once you have exactly what you want, ":set guifont=<Tab>" will display on the command-line exactly what you need to write into your vimrc or gvimrc in order to set it that way every time.

1. After using the guifont=* menu, the "language" setting is IMHO usually too strict; in my experience it works best by replacing :cANSI, :cBALTIC or whatever by just :cDEFAULT which lets gvim choose the appropriate glyphs (in the various language variants of that same font) for any language you might be using. 2. The line ":set guifont=<something>" should either go in your gvimrc, or, if you put it in your vimrc, be bracketed by "if has('gui_running')". Otherwise that line would give you an error if you were to run the console version of Vim, which doesn't know about 'guifont'.

Best regards,

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