On 10/31/06, art sm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/30/06, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/30/06, art sm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm having trouble trying to fork a process from gui vim on solaris.
> >
> > For example, if I start gvim, and use do:
> > :!touch touchtest1 &
> >
> > will work, but any subsequent fork commands fail:
> > :!touch touchtest2 &
> >
> > does not create the touchtest2 file.
> Are subsequent non-& :! commands affected too ? For example
> :!touch x1 &
> :!ls
> Does 2nd command(:!ls) work ?
> Yakov

Subsequent non-& are not affected. In the above case (:!ls) will be successful.

What happens if you wrap &-commands into 1-liner scripts and
invoke them from :! without & ? Does it work, as a workaround ?
Like this:

:!bg.sh touch file1

where bg.sh is this script:

"$@" & # invoke command given in argv asynchronously

Does this work ?

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