longraider wrote:
I've a habit for writing such a code:
In this way:
When I'm on blank linke, i press:
shift-[  enter  shift-]  up-arrow  enter  (sometimes tab here)  s  ;
That worked great in vim 6, but now (vim7) I get something like that:
Because after pressing up-arrow, the cursor is placed before the "{", is
 there any way to make it work "the old way" ?

I've thought of fighting this habit, but it's hard, too hard ;-)

Do you mean Shift-[ or do you mean { ? (On my keyboard, { is not Shift-[ but AltGr-รง ).

With (in Insert mode) the sequence {<Enter>}<Up><Enter>s;
I get:


I'm using Vim 7 and my vimrc includes (among others)

        runtime vimrc_example.vim
        filetype indent off
        set autoindent smartindent

Best regards,

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