I didn't know about @:, thanks!


On 11/1/06, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It should apply on
>> a per-window basis, so you may have to execute it in each diff
>> window.
> Or if you're feeling lazy,
> :windo set wrap
> :windo set nowrap

If you only have the two diff windows open, this is about as
efficient as "control+W control+W at colon" to change windows and
re-execute the last-issued commandline.  Also, less finger
dancing and a bit more readable.

However, if you have multiple windows open, and only a subset of
them are "diff" windows, the "windo" solution may effect windows
that you don't want it to.

But yes, this is helpful for easily changing a settings in all
the open windows.


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