
On 11/1/06, Michael M. Tung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yakov Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On 10/30/06, Michael M. Tung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi all:
> >
> >I am working on a simple plugin and want to make vim
> >open a file which appears in text e.g. as
> >
> >          [/tmp/test.txt]
> >
> >by clicking on it. The path and filename always appears
> >in brackets.
> You can do this by mapping  <MouseDown> and <MouseUp>
> pseudo-keys:
> nmap <MouseDown> .....
> nmap <MouseUp> ......
> Yakov

Thanks for all the helpful replies! I am using the
following hack in the ftplugin based on Yakov's

" define function to open gtd file
  function! OpenGTDFile()

You can use the "s:' prefix to make this function local to the
filetype plugin file.

     let line = getline('.')
     let line = matchstr(line, "\[.*$")
     let line = substitute(line, "gtd\]", "gtd", "")
     let line = substitute(line, "\ *\[", "", "")
     exec ":e ".line

" bind open function to mouse event
  nmap <2-LeftMouse> :call OpenGTDFile()<CR>

You can use the <buffer> attribute to the map command to
make this map local to a specific buffer. If you make the
function a script-local function, then you have to use the
<SID> prefix for calling the function.

- Yegappan

I just discovered that this function propagates to
all other files which are opened afterwards (regardless
of filetype).

Is there any way to keep OpenGTDFile local, i.e.
only to the specified filetype (in this case gtd)?

I appreciate any help.

  Dr. Michael M. Tung                  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Departamento de Matemática Aplicada         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Universidad Politécnica de Valencia  Phone: +34 96 3877000 x88287
  Inst. de Matemática Multidisciplinar        +34 96 38-79777
  Edificio 8-G, 2º piso                IM: ICQ96423950
  Camino de Vera, s/n
  46022 Valencia (Spain)
  PGP Public Key       http://personales.upv.es/mictun/mtung_pubkey.pgp

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