On Thu, 2 Nov 2006, Vu The Cuong wrote:

> As your advice,  I added ":let g:do_xhtml_mappings = 1: into my vimrc
> but it not worked.
> I also set :let g:html_tag_case = 'l' so that html tag become lower
> case.
> How can I do? Please  help me. I need your help. Thanks in advance

Have you installed the latest version of the script?  Support for
XHTML was only added recently, so you need version 0.21 or later.

If you do have a recent enough version, are you setting the variable
before the script gets sourced?  (Did you restart vim after you put
:let g:do_xhtml_mappings = 1 in your vimrc?)

- Christian

                     Too bad stupidity isn't painful.
Christian J. Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://infynity.spodzone.com/
   PGP keys: 0x893B0EAF / 0xFB698360   http://infynity.spodzone.com/pgp

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