> On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 10:55:34AM +0100, Zdenek Sekera wrote:
> > > I had many cases of "disappearing echo" in the past,
> > > I was mostly able to solve with some or other tricks. This
> > > one is difficult, I cannot solve it whatever I try (echo in
> > > the rhs of 'nmap *'):
> > > 
> > > 1. :nnoremap * :exe "norm! *" <bar> echomsg "bla bla"<cr>
> > > 2. :help help
> > > 3. /for<cr>
> > > 4. press * * * * * * *
> > > Message "bla bla" mostly does not appear (very rarely,
> > > it does; :mess shows that mapping was triggered) Why ?
> > 
> > I don't know why but I have that problem since a long
> > time (from vim 5 already!). Yes, sometimes tricks (like
> > introducing dummy 'echo ""' before the real echo help,
> > but sometimes they don't. I think Bram knows about it.
>      Searching for "echo" in todo.txt, I did not find any mention of
> this.  Maybe this item?
> 9   Check handling of overwriting of messages and delays:
>     Very wrong: errors while redrawing cause endless loop.
>     When switching to another file and screen scrolls because 
> of the long
>     message and return must be typed, don't scroll the screen 
> back before
>     redrawing.
>      It seems to me that the message is wiped out when the screen
> scrolls.  If the cursor move on the same screen, or if the screen
> redraws, then I see the "bla bla".  Aha:  this seems to help:
> :nnoremap * :execute "norm! *" <Bar> redraw <Bar> echomsg 
> "bla bla"<CR>

I can't say if thistem is *the one*. I usual have those
problems when I add some echo into a script for debugging and
depending how many echo's I added, possibly where, how close
they are together (or not ?), I most definitely loose some
of them. Usually when that happenes, I will be loosing always
the same ones. However, since the debugged script has a tendency to
change quite quickly, the problems will or not move with changes.
So, in some sense maybe my problem is not strcitly speaking
the same as that of the original poster since it is not realted
to any mapping, rather a straightforward exec of echo inside a script.


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