Thanks.  I see where the c.vim plugin sets the browsefilter; I'll have to
think about whether I want to adapt my habits or do some script-writing.
Maybe some of both!

Benji Fisher wrote:
On Fri, Nov 03, 2006 at 11:12:19AM -0700, Daryl Lee wrote:
This may be a Windows issue, but maybe someone here can help me solve
it. Using gVim, when I open a file with .h extension and then try to
open another .h file, the FileOpen dialog has the file filter set to "*.cpp,*.c++". I have to manually force it back to either All or *.h.
Is there some way to override that behavior?  I'd prefer "All", which
is the equivalent of what I get on Linux under KDE, where there is no
filter at all in the FileOpen dialog.

Have you (or some script) set a (global or buffer-local) browsefilter

:echo g:browsefilter :echo b:browsefilter

(If both commands generate errors, then the answer is no.)  If I read

:help browsefilter

correctly, then the simplest solution is to add

:let g:browsefilter = "All Files\t*.*\n"

to your vimrc file.  A more complicated solution is to add something like

:let b:browsefilter = "C files\t*.c;*.h;*.cpp;*.c++All Files\t*.*\n"

to an ftplugin for C files.  Ask again if you need more details.

HTH                                     --Benji Fisher

P.S. It seems that b:browsefilter *is* set in the default ftplugin (but only on Windows systems). So see

:help ftplugin-overrule

Daryl Lee
Open the Present, it's a Gift.

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