Tom Purl wrote:

I'm having a problem with netrw, but before I can properly troubleshoot
it, I need to fix debugging.  What I would basically like to do is use Vim
"normally" (without having a bunch of debug messages pop up) while all of
the messages are written to a file.

Here's what I have in my ~/.vimrc:

   let &verbosefile = "/tmp/vim_debug.out"
   set viminfo='50,<1000,s100
   :verbose set viminfo?

I copied this set of commands a couple of months ago to help troubleshoot
a different problem.  Shouldn't these commands still work, or am I missing
I suggest using the Dfunc/Decho/Dret debugging system already part of netrw. Once you have the
plugin installed,

 vim netrw.vim

The latest version of netrw uses DechoTabOn, which means that debugging output will go to a separate tab. You can save the resulting output to a file whenever you wish, and the display
won't be affected (other than seeing the presence of two tabs).

You can get the Decho plugin from:
   (this latter one is always the most up-to-date)

You'll need an up-to-date version of vimball to extract plugins that
I've generated since August 1, 2006:

        see "Vimball Archiver" (the most up-to-date version is here)

You'll need to completely remove all older vestiges of vimball from your
runtimepath.  Under Linux, that usually means

   cd /usr/local/share/vim/vim70
   /bin/rm plugin/vimball*.vim autoload/vimball*.vim

Under Windows, check your runtimepath to determine where your vim 7.0's
runtime directories are:

   :echo &rtp

should give you a clue.

Chip Campbell

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