J A G P R E E T wrote:

Hi There,
 I work on windows OS and want to access(read/write) to remote
  From the vim site I came to know this is possible, but how to use it is
outa my mind.

I check the two plugins netrw and vimball;

I'm not getting much understanding regarding these two plugins and not much
help available for these two.

Can I get much detailed document to get more understanding on the same.
To get an up-to-date version of netrw, you'll also need to get an up-to-date version of vimball. So:

1) Get an up-to-date version of vimball:
 -or-   http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#VimBall
 (the mysite.verizon.net one will be the more recent version)

2) Remove the old vimball plugin and install the new one:

       cd /usr/local/share/vim/vim70
       /bin/rm plugin/vimball*.vim autoload/vimball*.vim doc/pi_vimball.txt
       mv (wherever it was downloaded)/vimball.tar.gz .
       gunzip vimball.tar.gz
       tar -xvf vimball.tar

Under Windows, check your runtimepath to determine where your vim 7.0's runtime directories are:

       :echo &rtp

The first directory is likely your personal plugins directory, the second one is your vim system directory.

       cd (to your vim system directory)
       del plugin\vimballPlugin.vim
       del autoload\vimball.vim
       del doc\pi_vimball.txt
       ren (wherever)\vimball.tar.gz vimball.tar.gz
       gunzip vimball.tar.gz
       tar -xvf vimball.tar

3) Remove system version of netrw:
       cd /usr/local/share/vim/vim70
       /bin/rm plugin/netrw*.vim autoload/netrw*.vim doc/pi_netrw.txt
       cd (to your vim system directory)
       del plugin\netrwPlugin.vim
       del autoload\netrw.vim
       del doc\pi_netrw.txt

4) Install an up-to-date version of netrw:
  vim netrw.vba.gz
  :so %

Subsequently, whenever you wish to update netrw, all you'll need to do is to
a) obtain a newer netrw
b) perform step #4

Now, as to documentation: :help vimball and :help netrw have 129 lines and 1928 lines of help, respectively. Using vimball is particularly simple; see step #4 above. Using
netrw is reasonably simple:

vim scp://somehost/path/to/file.ext

would invoke netrw to do the work via scp. Netrw supports a number of protocols, including
scp, rcp, ftp, etc.  I suggest reading  :help netrw-start .

Chip Campbell

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