A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

It should be possible (though less obvious) to do it with only a substitute. Let's try:

    :'<,'>s/^.*\S.*$/# \0

i.e. prepend a hash sign and a space wherever we find start-of-line, zero or more of anything, one nonblank, zero or more of anything, end-of-line (in the range, here shown as a Visual area).

OK, here's another possible but less obvious method, even a bit shorter:


This one uses a "concat", and depends on having the last "concat" be the one used for substitution.
What it means:

:'<,'>  over the visually selected range
s substitute the pattern that begins with something but has a non-whitespace character,
AND matches the beginning-of-line

with a % in the place of the last concat (ie. the beginning-of-line).

Chip Campbell

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