On 12/7/06, Yongwei Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Paul,

On 12/7/06, Paul Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is anyone else seeing this problem?
> My Windows 2000 system reboots when I issue ":w!" to overwrite a
> read-only file.  (I normally do this when I forget to mark a file
> writeable.  I force the write and then mark it writeable with a
> function key mapped to ":!attrib<space>-r<space><C-R>%<CR>" )
> I am using VIM 7.0, compiled on Nov 7, 2006, with patches 1-161.
> I obtained this version of VIM from here:
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=43866&package_id=39721
> I was trying to install a non-Cream version of VIM with the latest
> patches.  I followed the link from the Cream page, which points to
> non-Cream VIM installers:
> http://cream.sourceforge.net/download.html

To verify whether this is a build-related problem, maybe you can try
my build too:


Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

Your build of GVIM.EXE exhibits the same problem on my system.  It
reboots the system.

When I say "reboot", it's virtually like someone power-cycled my
system.  I'm surprised that Windows doesn't blue screen (I guess I
shouldn't be).

Also, I guess I should have been clear before that I am using GVIM.

To try to reproduce this problem, execute DOS command "ATTRIB +R
filename", edit the file in GVIM, and attempt to overwrite the file by
issuing ":w!"

-Paul Stone

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