* Chuck Mason [2006.12.13 17:15]:
> In :help it follows links
> (Maybe there's a helptags file?).


:h helptags 

> [...]
> For instance I have a line that looks like:
> ... sometext somenumber1 someothertext2
> And if the user presses <C-]> anywhere on the line I would like to take
> somenumber1 and do something with it (follow it by replacing the current
> buffer with another file referenced by the number). If the line doesn't
> start with ... Then ignore the keypress.  I think I can handle all that
> but I want to know if its possible to:

One way:

Define a function which will determine if your line
matches and act accordingly:

function! Foo()
   if getline(".") =~ "^\\.\\.\\."
      " extract somenumber1 and
      " do something with it
      " do nothing

And use autocommands to determine whether your
function should be called or not depending on
which buffer you're in:

autocmd BufEnter *.tmp map <C-]> :call Foo()<CR>
autocmd BufLeave *.tmp unmap <C-]>

All that is left is extracting "somenumber1".


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