On pon sty 1 2007, Mikolaj Machowski wrote:
> >    Note: much faster, noticeable on big files, would be reading of
> > tags file into buffer and just g//d proper lines and add tags at the
> > end
> how to read tags into the buffer and what does "g//d proper lines" mean?

:new somename

> >    - but I hate buffer management in scripts, YMMV.
> >
> > Sounds complicated but Vim should be able to perform all actions with
> > reasonable speed. The most expensive is f) .
> >
> > You should carefully consider when this function should be performed.
> > I would vote for ; and BufLeave and BufWritePre autocommands.
> >
> > m.
> I write the function like this, but there are some problems.
> This is my first time to write vim script, so please give me a hand.
> inoremap <expr> ; UpdateTags()
> func UpdateTags()
>     "get the file name of the current buffer
>     let currentfilename=bufname("%")


        let fname = expand('%:p')

Full path will prevent ambiguity in some corner cases.

>     "get the last line number in the current buffer
>     let lastline=line('$')
>     let currentfile=getline(1 , lastline)


        let currentfile=getline(1, '$')

>     "how to define the temporary file name
>     call writefile(currentfile , ".tmp.cc" , "b")
>     call system('ctags --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -f .tags
> .tmp.cc')
>     let currenttags=readfile(".tags" , "b")

As I wrote, better to skip writing of tags to file, faster and you avoid
messing with filenames::

        let currenttags = system('ctags --c++-kinds=+p -- fields=+iaS
        --extra=+q -f - .tmp.cc')

>     "remove the comment in the tags file
>     call remove(currenttags , "^!")

Another benefit of using '-f -' - ctags when dealing with STDOUT doesn't
add !comment lines. Note for future - remove() doesn't accept RE, only

>     let alltags=readfile("tags" , "b")
>     call remove(alltags , currentfilename)

remove() doesn't accept regexps only indexes. To remove offending lines
use filter()::

        call filter(alltags, "v:val !~ fname")

>     echo currenttags
>     substitute(currenttags , ".tmp.cc" , currentfilename , "g")
> "here I want to replace ".tmp.cc" with currentfilename in the new
> created tags file,
> "but vim always gives me an error "E486: Pattern not found: currenttags
> , ".tmp.cc" , currentfilename , "g")"

??? substitute() is for strings. Now you can do::

        let newtags = alltags + currenttags

> "echo currenttags has showed me currenttags contains ".tmp.cc".
>     call add(alltags , currenttags)
>     call writefile(alltags , "tags" , "b")

        call writefile(newtags, "tags", 'b')

> "I want to write the updated tags into the file "tags" , but failed.
> "The error is "E730: using List as a String"
> "I don't understand
> endfunc
> Zheng Da


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