Hugh Sasse wrote:

On Thu, 4 Jan 2007, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

Hugh Sasse wrote:

I am interested in exploring Lisp before too long.  However, I have a
physical problem with the parentheses.

You may find rainbow.vim helpful; see

that looks interesting.  Done the vimball bit then I try to install
rainbow.vba (having gunzipped it);

vim rainbow.vba gives:
***vimball***  Source this file to extract it! (:so %)
Error detected while processing BufEnter Auto commands for "*.vba":
E119: Not enough arguments for function: vimball#ShowMesg
Press ENTER or type command to continue

So I try to extract it anyway:
Vimball Archive
extracted <after/syntax/c/rainbow.vim>: 100 lines
wrote /home/hgs/.vim/after/syntax/c/rainbow.vim

Press ENTER or type command to continue

So that means it only applies to C files out of the box?

Its been awhile since I wrote the rainbow stuff; I'd forgotten that I'd already included it with vim 7.0's syntax/lisp.vim.
Just put

  let g:lisp_rainbow= 1

in your <.vimrc> and it'll be enabled for Lisp.

I think it would be more useful it it were setup as a plugin
one could use for Perl, Ruby, (your later message covers lisp), etc
The rainbow highlighting needs to be attuned to the specific syntax highlighting files for each language. Its done by assigning a region which begins with ( and ends with ). To retain normal highlighting inside such syntax highlighting regions, the region must "contain" language-specific highlighting regions.

So, Perl and Ruby would need specialized versions of rainbow.vim. I use Perl but seldom, and don't know Ruby, and yours is the first request for rainbow highlighting for those languages I've received.

I don't consider myself fluent in vim internals, so maybe I've
missed something with this paragraph.

Your web page has:

<br><li><a href="vbafiles/RunView.vba.gz">Rndm</a> <a name="RUNVIEW"></a> <!-- 
{{{2 -->
        <table bgcolor="#005533" border="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td><font size="-1"><font 
color="#aaaaaa"><em>Updated Dec 15, 2005 (v1e)</em>

Yep!  Definitely a mistake.  Thank you for catching it!

Chip Campbell

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