A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
If you leave 'encoding' set at Latin1, Vim won't be able to represent in memory any Unicode codepoints higher than U+00FF, even if you use ":e ++enc=utf-8 filename". See for instance the Russian and Arabic text in my front page, http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/index.htm . If you /don't/ use ++enc, then with 'fencs' empty (which is not the default) there will be no translation, and every codepoint above U+007F in a UTF-8 file will appear as two or more bytes of gibberish. For instance, "Raúl Núñez" would be shown as "Raúl Núñez" which is not very pretty to look at.

Oops! That page plays a dirty trick: it sets your 'encoding' to UTF-8. To see the difference, download it on your computer, remove the modeline at line 3, and restart Vim.

Best regards,

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